Thursday, November 10, 2011

 These are my 3 awesome kids! Trey(7), Lucy(4) and Cross(2).
 This is Trey. Trey is my first born. He is loving, sensitive, quiet, goofy, smart and mature for his 7 years.
 This is Lucy, my second baby. Lucy is thankful, happy, loud, tough, and very girly.
 This is Cross and the picture explains it all! Crazy, loud, jumper, climber, all boy, clown and hilarious.
This is Diesel. handsome, gross, smelly, yucky, bad, disobedient, lazy, but most importantly....loving.


  1. Yeah! You have a blog! How fun is this? Love the pics of your precious kids! Love ya.

  2. Awesome girl...can't wait to read more!
