Sunday, November 20, 2011

Northeast Triathalon

 Last summer my friend Jenn told me she signed up for her first Triathlon and asked if I wanted to do it with her. I had no bike and didn't know how to really swim so of course I said yes.

I got a single swim lesson and bike and I was already hooked.

I love Ethan for so many reasons... this is a picture of just one of the reasons. It rained horribly the day of the tri. This is Ethan putting my bike on the rack at about 5 am. He fell down the hotel steps doing this for me. Don't worry, my bike was not harmed.

This is me, Jenn and our awesome friend Susan who came to cheer us on.  She is also a triathlete.  We love you Susan!

If your not happy with your age don't do a triathlon.
Yep, this is what we swam in. 

I'm one of those yellow caps out there.   

Just getting out the water and heading to my bike.

This picture says it all.....what the heck am I doing?

I didn't kill myself or anyone on my bike and am now heading out for the run.

It's not the best feeling when you get of your bike and have to run. My legs wouldn't move.

I remember seeing this sign toward the end of the run. Thanks Susan!

I passed this guy right at the end. Yay me!!!!

We finished! This is another friend Meghan in the purple(sorry it's of your back). I've made so many fun tri-friends! 
Cheryl, Tara and Jenn. The rain finally stopped after hours and hours.  Did I mention the fact that Jenn couldn't swim at all just a few weeks before this? Your a rockstar Jenn!
What a great way to end my first triathlon! I had a goal of just finishing without freaking out or getting dq'd in the swim. I placed 5th in my age group and became addicted. I love triathlons first of all because the people are just plain awesome. Also, I don't have to be really good at one thing.... I can be just alright at all 3. Works out perfect for me.

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