My knee felt great so I tried running up the hill that overlooks the beach and it felt I ran it 5 more times! I had lots of time to think and pray.
7 miles might seem like a crazy task to some of you but to me it's very minimal compared to what I have to accomplish next August. I signed up for Ironman Louisiville. If you aren't familiar with this, it's a 2.4 swim, 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run. Yowza!!! So as I was running I was praying, as I do for most of my runs. How am I going to train for this while being a wife, mom of 3, have a physically demanding job, cook, clean, do all my church and the list goes on......
Proverbs 31 came to mind. If you haven't read it. If you don't have a Bible....get one!
I have always known this chapter as "the wife of noble character" or "the virtuous woman" or just "the Proverbs 31 women". I've taken it upon to change her name....."the original IRONMOM".
I've always had a love/hate relationship with her. She makes me feel lazy, talentless, unworthy, vain and selfish. Yesterday I fell in love with her. I believe that if they had goggles and road bikes in Bible time she'd sign up for IM and say "I got this". She knew she can do all things in Christ who gives her strength.
Think about the verse that says her arms are strong for her tasks. If you know me you know I love strength! Strong is the new skinny. She was also the first female body my mind at least.I just had to sneak that one in there.
Here is a list of some of her duties:
sewer(is that what you call someone who sews?)
feed the poor
That is just some of the things this woman is able to do. The Bible also says she is joyful, blessed, praised, wise and does not care about outward beauty.....I'm starting to hate her again!
I am very blessed to have married a man who was raised by a an ironmom. I know that before I was born she was praying for a wife for Ethan.....I am so thankful for this. She is wise, virtuous, kind, loving, and her children call her blessed.
My mom lead me to Jesus. She is a ironmom in training. I think it's takes a lot more strength to start training at 60 years of age. She can be hard on herself but I thank God that she is my mom and is willing to work through the hard things. I have seen a ironmom emerging from her in the last couple years and I think that is so cool. I call her blessed for sure!
If you have an Ironmom or Ironwoman in your life make sure to give her! They are hard to find.
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a women who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. That is my favorite! Here are the things I take away from this woman.

2. I want to be a woman who fears the Lord.
3. My family comes first.....before my job, before church, before triathalons!
4. And before my family....God! Trying to do all this without God is like thinking you can do an IM without training......sets me up to fail everytime.
5. Do all things for HIS glory.
I'm going to leave you with this cheesy Picture. This is my first tri medal......3rd in my age group:) Obviously I was so proud and excited. But I would take all my medals....even a first place IM medal and throw them out because they don't mean a thing. I'm working on heavenly medal. I want to be praised by my father for my eternal rewards. So as I start training in January I have to keep my eyes remain focused on the heavenly kingdom that awaits me. I pray that I stay my course and be the Ironmom that God wants me to be. I ask that would be pray for me. Everytime you see anything to do with tris shoot me a prayer....also for Ethan who is going want to kill me in the months approaching.
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ."
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