Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Busy week

Last Tuesday night a  wonderful lady from church wanted to take our family to the Christmas lighst in OC. It was a long ride for only a ten minute train ride but the kids loved it!

They kept commenting on how big the tree was! 

This is what happens when you give kids finger paint. The bath tub was a mess!

Lucy had her open house for ballet and tap. She loves to dance and is really good AND so darn cute! Trey took the pictures......

Shuffle step,shuffle step, shuffle ball change, shuffle step.

I think this might be the highlight of the year! My niece TJ"s first concert. God has blessed this girl with so much talent.

And I'm blessed to be her Aunt:)

I dressed like a rock star in honor of her. Those are her converse and her skirt. I didn't embarrass her....at least I don't think I did.

Saturday morning Susan and I went to watch our friends run! GoooJenn!

Gooooo Steph!

Saturday afternoon we went to watch my nephew Micah's basketball game.

Saturday night we had a surprise party for a great friend Dawn. I won't say how old she is:)

Trey got a haircut. He wanted it spiky like his cousin Stephen. I'm happy he doesn't want the Justin Bieber  cut. He looks so big!

Sunday afternoon our church had it big brothers, big sisters party.  Here are the two kids we sponsored. They were so excited about the presents they received. My kids loved giving which makes me so thankful! Excuse Lucy's manners. She loves dresses but doesn't know how to act in them sometimes.

It was crazy in up in here! We had 53 littles and bigs at the party.  So great to know that we were able to help some kids out that might not have gotten a thing

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